If a talk or presentation you have seen me deliver is not here and you'd like a copy, please get in touch and I will send you one direct. If you are just browsing, enjoy.
Show Up and Shine. Workshop delivered to the European Mentoring and Coaching Council Network meeting at Lancaster University, June 2015
Keynote speech to the Institute for Outdoor Learning biennial conference October 2014 on Positive Outdoor Learning.
Positive Outdoor Learning. Keynote presentation to Derbyshire Learning Outside the Classroom Conference April 2015
Emotional Systems and Affective Neuroscience. Masterclass for the Institute for Outdoor Learning biennial conference October 2014.
Motivation - 4 ways to get it when you don't have it. A workshop at the Institute for Outdoor Leaning North West Regional Conference in 2013.
12 Days at Christmas. A personal project to put together reflections and images in 2012.